House Rules

Getting Started
You’ll probably want to pick up a set of the Swords and Wizardry rules. They can be found here.
For character sheets you can just use some notebook paper, or pick up one of the sheets here.

Rolling Ability Scores
Roll 3d6 and add them together for Strength. Then go down the line: roll Dex, then Con, Int, Wis, and Cha.

You can pick from the classes in the Core Rules, or you can choose a class you find here or here, or elsewhere on the web. Maybe you can ask your GM to make you a specific class, idk. If it’s your first time playing, it might be best to play a core class. If a class says you can only be a member if you meet certain ability scores, ignore that.

Hit Die
Gain the max on your first hit die. Roll all others after that, bitch.

The core rules have some bullshit about taking levels in multiple classes. It’s all confusing and shit. At level 1, anyone can choose to take levels in up to three classes. When you do this, you get the abilities and limitations of all your classes. You also split your XP evenly between each class. Your saving throw is whatever is the best from all your classes. You do not gain a hit die from leveling up until all your classes have reached at least that level. Then, you roll the hit die for all of your classes and average them: that’s how many you get from leveling up.

Clerics of Chaos
Clerics who are Chaotic in nature will not be able to turn or destroy undead, but instead be able to pacify or command them. If an undead would usually be turned, it is instead pacified for 3d6 rounds, and will not attack. If an undead would be destroyed, it is instead put under your control. You can have one undead per level under your control.

Ignore what the core rules say about race limitations. You can be any race/class combo you want. Here’s the benefits of the different races:
  • Dwarf: +4 on saving throws against magic. Easily note irregular stonework (such as secret doors or traps). Have darkvision to 60 ft.
  • Elf: 4-in-6 chance to find secret doors when searching, or an automatic 1-in-6 to find when not. Can cast one random first level Magic User spell once per day. Darkvision 60 ft.
  • Halfling    : +4 on saving throws against magic. +1 to-hit bonus when using missile weapons.
  • Human: Humans are the only race that gains an experience bonus for meeting their class’s prime attribute.

Attacking and Armor Class
We’ll use S&W ascending AC system and the to-hit modifiers presented on page 31.

A weapon held in two hands deals +1 damage, unless the weapon can only be held in two hands. Wielding two weapons instead gives a +1 to attack.

Hi! I’m the new party member (from Jeff’s Game Blog)
Replacement PCs will be made just like starting PCs (3d6 in order, 0xp). A new PC can join the party immediately if the player desires. Alternatively, the replacement PC can be designated the heir of the dead PC, and as such is entitled to the old PC’s non-magical treasure (minus a 10% inheritance tax) and one magic item of the player’s choosing. However, the heir can only join the
party when it returns to civilization or at the start of the next session, whichever comes first. Heirs must be of the same race as the deceased.

Every hero needs a sidekick (from Jeff’s Game Blog)
To avoid the hassles of starting over with 0xp and rolling up a new character in the middle of a game, the players are encouraged to recruit henchmen. Henchmen earn experience at half rate and normally expect a half share of treasure. They are generally loyal and normally the player runs them as secondary characters, though the GM reserves the right to step in when needed to protect the interests of the NPC proletariat. If a character with a henchman is incapacitated, the player may immediately promote the henchman to full PC status. The new PC may be bumped back down to the ranks of the sidekicks should the original PC be raised from the dead or unpetrified or whatever.

Friends, we are gathered here today to mourn the passing of Bob’s cleric. What was his name again? (from Jeff’s Game Blog)
When an adventurer dies and the party is unable (or unwilling!) to have them raised from the dead, a promoted sidekick (see above) may opt to give the corpse a Heroic Sendoff. This requires at least 24 hours and something cool like a bigass funeral pyre, the raising of a burial mound, or a funeral ship floated down the river. The corpse must be armed and armored for combat, as appropriate to the class of the character. Each party member may donate up to 100gp times the level of the stiff as additional grave goods, the amount being spent is converted to bonus XP for the donor. Each party member may also donate one magic item to the grave. Scrolls, potions, and other one-shot items net a bonus of 250xp, while more permanent items get you 1,000xp. Magic items that would have been unusable by the deceased do not count.

Shields shall be splintered! (from Trollsmyth)
If your character has a shield equipped, any time you would take damage, you can instead decide to have the shield destroyed and take no damage! If the shield is made of rowan wood and properly glyphed, you can instead ignore the effects of one spell. Such shields cost 200g and aren’t available everywhere.

Your GM
Since we’re doing this with rotating and mixing GMs, rulings might be varied from game to game. You’re bound by whatever the ruling of the GM you’re playing with at that moment. Don’t stress it, embrace it.

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